Tuesday, 24 January 2012

Using Manipulatives Online for Division

Recently we worked with place value blocks for a math lesson on division.  However, as we entered into the higher level questions, we ran out of blocks to show our work!  Using this website online helps show the block theory of division and how a large number is broken up into groups.
I really like how this website uses a word problem first.  Then step by step asks for the numbers to be entered when figuring out the solution. 


Monday, 23 January 2012

Making Flipbooks with Technology

In Grade Four, students are asked to put together a flipbook.  A flipbook uses art by displaying action.  The trick to showing an action is to only move one part of the body at a time.  This way when the pages move quickly, it looks like the action is actually taking place.  Instead of using a ton of paper, or a ton of sticky notes, students can make their own flipbook online.

Making a flipbook online: http://www.benettonplay.com/toybox.php

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Patterns in Bold Colours

Take a look at this author's work!  His name is Romero Britto.  He is a young artist who lives in the United States.  Romero uses patterns with bright colours to show off the different lines in his picture.


Wednesday, 11 January 2012

Learning about the Water Cycle

In Science class we are beginning to learn about the water cycle.  We have been using the following sites to help us understand some of the key concepts.

Water Cycle Game: http://apps.southeastwater.com.au/games/se-water-cycle.swf

Also...for teacher's interests, there is a site online that has numerous activities and experiments for the students to do.  We did the watercycle game with the different stages.  It was pretty neat!  Here is the site: http://scifiles.larc.nasa.gov/docs/guides/Water_Cycle.pdf