Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Science: Food chains

In Science class we are learning all about food chains.  How do organisms in habitats work together to sustain life?  It's actually quite incrediable how each animal has its place in its habitat in order to continue what is known as the circle of life.  God is a marvelous Creator.  His work truly shows His glory.

As the students prepare their habitat projects at home, we continue to learn the concepts of food chains and how their relationships with each other help maintain population sizes.  Here are some websites the students have used to develop those understandings.




Sunday, 2 October 2011

Math Websites

For the month of September, we have been going through review on addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.  In all of those things, we needed a reminder on how to do place value.  To learn standard form, expanded form, and written form, we began something known as "math aerobics", something I remember learning in grade seven from one of my old teachers.  The students really loved the rhythm actions that went with the catchy beat in order to remember the different terms.

The other way we reviewed place value was by using the computers in the computer the lab.  I found some perfect websites that go over the same principles that I talk about in class.  The students can't believe this is actually work!  And....there is a quiz on Tuesday.  Their homework is to practice Math computer games.....who would've thought?!

Thanks technology for helping math be fun!!!

Here are the websites:

